Taz - Karakoram Pacifik
Edit: Bubs passed away surrounded by his family on the 16th October 2020 at 19.5 years old.
A cat of many names, Bubs is the main man in our house. His pedigree name is Karakoram Pacifik (see our blog 'What's in a name' for more information on pedigree names), and when we adopted him at 9 years old, he came with the pet name Taz.
As names do though, it morphed over time and he's now mainly known as Bubs. He may be 19 but he still has a very mischievous streak. He loves butter, curry and spare ribs and will do whatever it takes to get you to hand some over!
As you can see in his picture, he loves to rub his head against you to show his affection - however he prefers to rub his head directly on your face if he can reach it.
He is fiercely protective of his family, and loves them all to bits. It doesn't stop him pulling them all in to line when necessary though. If he's in a particularly mischievous mood, he'll wind them up to get them in to trouble then sit back and watch the carnage ensue!
He is a Brown Silver Shaded Burmilla bred by our friend, Sarah Davidson.
His Sire (Dad) is Ch Karakoram Magics Legacy and his Dam (Mum) is Karakoram Fantasy.